How To Get Google Drive Unlimited Storage(Lifetime) For Free

How To Get Google Drive Unlimited Storage(Lifetime) For Free
How To Get Google Drive Unlimited Storage(Lifetime) For Free

If you use Google Drive for free, your account may only have 15 GB of storage capacity.How To Get Google Drive Unlimited Storage(Lifetime) For Free  Additionally, you must pay Google to upgrade your Google Drive account if you want to use the available storage fully. In this essay, I’ll explain how to gain limitless Google Drive storage. Remember that the Google Unlimited shared drive is free and doesn’t require payment. I’ll thus explain how to acquire unlimited Google Drive storage for free in this post. 

Describe Google Drive.

Google created a cloud-based synchronization and storage service called DriveDrive. On April 24, 2012, Google debuted the Google Drive service. Users may exchange and keep files and photographs synced across devices with Google Drive. Google Docs, Slides, and Sheets are also included, which are used for office work.

We are all aware of Google Drive, a cloud-based online storage platform offering 15GB of space to upload and share your data or just back up your stuff. Google Drive downloads and uploads files quickly. Because it is the safest website, according to Google, it is the most incredible option for online data backup.

Grieve has the advantage of being free, but Gdrive has the disadvantage of having a storage restriction of only 15GB for standard Google Drive accounts. You must sign up for one of their programs to store more data than 15 Gb. 

How can students get unlimited Google Drive storage?

Google may have an offer for you if you’re a student seeking unrestricted Google Drive storage for your email. If you have an email mail from your university, you may access limitless Google Drive storage. How to use your email to obtain limitless Google Drive. I advise using this procedure since it is legal. We will utilize EduMail to acquire a free, limitless Google Drive. You may access Google Drive via email if your university offers it. 

Sign in with your school or College email for unlimited free Google Drive.

  • You now have limitless Google Drive storage available on your email. You get access to this unlimited storage in your edu mail. I’ll now explain how you may receive it in your correspondence.
  • On your limitless Google Drive storage, create a folder.
  • Right-click this folder now, then select the share option.
  • Type your email here and click “Send.”
  • Open your own DriveDrive right now, then select the shared drive option. It will be given to you.
  • Right-click the folder again and select “Add shortcut to Drive.”
  • You may establish a Gmail account here if you still need one.
  • Now You then went to the following websites: Links 1 and 2
  • After accessing one of these sites, you only need to enter your Gmail address and disk name.
  • Go to your Google Drive after submitting, then check Shared Drives.
  • You will now notice a drive with your name on it.
  • That’s all there is to it; you now have unlimited access to Google Drive storage for the rest of your life. More than 100GB of storage space is available.

Why Google Drive Is Used  

If you are a student wanting to increase your storage capacity, obtain 100GB, or get Google Drive Unlimited Storage For Free For Life, you have come to the perfect spot. I’ll explain how I brought limitless Drive storage; yes, you may also share. No restrictions apply. I was hoping you could read the post through to the end to find out since I tried and tested it myself. However, it is pretty simple. Follow the instructions listed below to gain free and limitless Google Drive storage, but first, let me warn you about certain things you shouldn’t do.

How does the technique for free lifelong unlimited storage work

Google gives limitless storage options to educational institutions to give students unlimited space in their Google Drive accounts for academic reasons. Additionally, educational institutions may add as many students as they like to the limitless Drive available to them so that they can upload and save their data there. The tricky thing is that we discovered that such schools’ websites permit students to utilize their infinite Drive without signing up; all they need to do is enter their Gmail id. This gives them access to an endless amount of disk space to store their data files or images. As a result, they will instantly add your Gmail account as a student to their limitless Google Drive for free when you provide them with your email.

What results do you get

In your Google Drive account, you will receive a shared drive that is limitless and cost-free for life. There are no costs associated with anything. You may exchange links with your pals and upload large files. It functions just like a standard G Drive Account.

Most consumers might believe that the $9.99/month option with 2TB of storage is adequate for all of their data. Still, given how many images and movies we now take with our smartphones, 2 TB can be quickly consumed in a few years, especially if you capture 4K or even 8K video.

You must create a G Suite account instead of a regular Google Account if you want unlimited Google Drive storage. The Business Google Suite Account, which costs $12/month, offers customers 1TB of storage compared to the Basic G Suite Account’s 30GB. This is less than the 2 TB plans for standard Google Accounts, but if you set up a Business G Suite Account and add six people, Google will double each user’s storage from 1 TB to limitless. With a business G Suite account and five people, unlimited Google Drive storage will cost $60 per month, $40 less per month than the 10 TB basic Google Drive plan, saving you $500 each year or $2,500 over five years. But it gets better yet! As stated by Google, Business G Suite accounts come with “Unlimited cloud storage (or 1TB per user if fewer than five users)”. How To Get Google Drive Unlimited Storage(Lifetime) For Free Instances with less than five users don’t appear to have their storage actively limited by Google. Our testing has shown that a Business G Suite account may provide limitless storage for only one user, making the total monthly cost of unlimited Google Drive storage only $12!

Understanding the Storage Limits of Google Drive

Users can access free storage space on Google Drive, the company’s cloud storage system. Users are given 15 GB of storage by default, which includes space for their Google Drive, Google Photos, and Gmail items. This quantity typically meets the ordinary user’s requirements, but what if you need additional room?

Using the “High-Quality” Storage Option in Google Drive

There is a simple way to conserve space if you use Google Photos frequently and like to upload a lot of high-resolution pictures. Google provides a “High-Quality” storage option that somewhat reduces the size of your persnol images without sacrificing their aesthetic quality. By choosing this option, your ideas will no longer count against your Google Drive storage allowance, allowing you additional space to save other items.

Making Use of Shared Drives

Shared Drives is an outstanding feature of Google Drive that enables collaboration and shared file storage. Shared Drives are an exciting alternative since they provide infinite storage, which makes them an excellent choice for groups or enterprises with high storage needs. You may benefit from the limitless storage space and maintain your file organization in one place by setting up or joining a shared drive.How To Get Google Drive Unlimited Storage(Lifetime) For Free

Making Use of the Storage Plans for Google Drive

You discover you require more storage than the original 15 GB. If so, Google has some premium storage options that meet your demands. These plans provide reasonable starting pricing and generous storage increments, ranging from 100 GB to an enormous 30 TB. By signing up for one of these plans, you may increase your storage space and have peace of mind knowing that your data are securely kept in the cloud.

taking part in promotions for Google Drive

Google periodically offers its consumers more storage space through promotions or partnerships with other companies. Keep a watch out for these deals since they provide the chance to get more Google Drive storage for little or no cost. Being educated and proactive might pay dividends because these promotions could be connected to specific occasions, occasions around holidays, or collaborations.

Utilizing Storage Management Methods

While adding extra storage is essential, you may also significantly improve your current capacity by optimizing it. Clean your Google Drive and free up space by using storage management strategies. Some helpful techniques include organizing folders, eliminating unused files, using the “Priority” function to access frequently used files offline, and using the Google Drive desktop program for smooth synchronization and backup.

Examining Integrations with Third Parties

Many third-party programs and services may be integrated with Google Drive. By connecting your Google Drive to external accounts or services, these integrations can offer more functionality and storage possibilities. By investigating these connections, you could discover solutions that meet your particular requirements and improve your total storage capacity. Google Drive backup and archiving might be a great backup and archiving option. You may improve your storage consumption by constantly backing up your information and archiving older or less often visited files. This procedure helps to clean out your DriveDrive and provide more space for new files while also ensuring the security of your data.


 Although Google Drive provides a sizable amount of free storage, there are several techniques you can use to increase your storage space. You can enhance your Google Drive experience and potentially obtain virtually unlimited storage by using options like the “High-Quality” storage setting, investigating Shared Drives, thinking about paying for storage, taking advantage of promotions, using storage management techniques, studying third-party integrations, and practicing effective backup and archiving. Remember that several aspects are involved in outranking rival websites on Google, including high-quality content, backlinks, user experience, and technological optimization. However, your website will have a greater chance of ranking higher and gaining the attention it deserves if you apply the abovementioned tactics and give people helpful content.