How electric air taxis could shake up the airline industry

How electric air taxis could shake up the airline industry
How electric air taxis could shake up the airline industry

Electric aviation is an attractive new area for stakeholders looking to satisfy consumer needs and sustainable energy objectives. How electric air taxis could shake up the airline industry Using the most recent advancements in electric aviation technology, WSP USA assists aviation stakeholders in achieving these goals. Gal Le Bris, senior technical principal and senior aviation planner at WSP USA, asserts, “Electric aviation is one of the keys to the future of aviation.” “It is exciting because it is a cutting-edge, rapidly evolving field that is bringing solutions for greener, more inclusive air mobility as well as unlocking new opportunities for the aviation community.” Electric aircraft definition In contrast to conventional aircraft, which only use internal combustion for propulsion, an electric aircraft’s propulsion can be either fully or partially driven by an electric motor. This indicates that zero-emission flights, with lower noise levels and operational costs, are possible with electric aircraft.


A way to use these technologies is through advanced air mobility (AAM), which allows for the safe and effective transportation of people and goods between airports, cities, and suburban and urban regions. By converting general aviation airports into community mobility hubs for vertical and short takeoff and landing (V/STOL) aircraft or modifying roofs to accommodate vertiports, AAM will employ existing and new assets to deliver on-demand aviation services. “WSP has been at the forefront of the discussion on the emergence of electric aviation and AAM,” Le Bris claimed. “Our focus is on helping airports, local governments, and other stakeholders get ready for the next step in aerial innovation with practical plans to enable air mobility for everyone and to incorporate these technologies for the benefit of our communities,” the company said.

Like in the 1960s sitcom The Jetsons, we’ll live in a world with flying automobiles. To bring people into the air rather than on the road, firms around the United States, including many startups, are developing electric air taxis. Commercial airlines, in particular, are investing in this sort of technology to offer customers shorter and faster journey times to and from the airport. With a $60 million investment in Joby Aviation, a company that creates electric vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) aircraft (intended to function as an air taxi service), Delta Air Lines became another airline in October to promote EV technology firms. When Joby announced its intention to launch an Uber-like air taxi by 2024, industry experts questioned if the company could do so. Nevertheless, Delta’s investment in Joby was a five-year contract solely using Delta’s network for eVTOL operations. United Airlines is collaborating with the Swedish startup Heart Aerospace to have electric aircraft flying on regional routes by 2030, in addition to its two eVTOL projects. Two hundred planes will be purchased for $15 million from Eve Air Mobility, while 100 eVTOLs will be purchased for $10 million from Archer Aviation. American Airlines purchased 50 aircraft from Vertical Aerospace, a U.K.-based company, and invested $25 million.

Air taxis could become accessible in the 2030

It’s crucial to remember that any deals large airlines sign into with foreign companies are subject to change. It depends on the certification of these aircraft and how rapidly enterprises can build them, said Savanthi Syth, managing director of equities research at Raymond James and an expert on international airlines and mobility. When these planes are certified, and production is ramped up, the size of the prospective market will mostly depend on how close enterprises can supply eVTOLs to where consumers are, according to Syth. According to Syth, eVTOLs are initially designed to replace your automobile. But for different people, it will vary depending on where eVTOLs are placed. Companies envision “vertiports,” which use regional airports to charge between more considerable distances, typically over 100 miles, or “vertistops,” where planes land on top of buildings in metropolitan areas to charge between short distances.

  • According to Syth, the market size might be significant if companies can put vertistops and vertiports close to clients in residential areas.
  • According to Syth, certifications should ideally occur in 2024, with [eVTOL] operations starting in a small number around 2025. But seeing several planes flying overhead in the 2030s is likely more common.
  • Investments in eVTOL benefit airlines.
    Aviation industry analyst Beau Roy noted that while investing in eVTOLs is one step airlines may take to offset carbon emissions; airlines still need help with cost and availability in becoming more sustainable.
  • Airlines have few [sustainable] solutions available. Roy claims sustainable aviation fuel is the preferred substitute, yet just one gallon of jet fuel out of 1,000 was used last year. “Airlines are getting more aggressive about where they might make investments.”
  • In addition to enabling airlines to increase their ESG portfolio, eVTOLs also allow them to capitalize on consumers’ preference for short flights over lengthy road journeys.
  • Roy continued, for our 100-, 200-, or 300-mile travels, “Thinking about getting people out of cars is an exciting use-case [of eVTOLs]. “Over distances of 100 to 500 miles, nearly 200 million trips are made in automobiles annually.”
  • Roy claims that in addition to removing cars from the road for environmental reasons, airlines are also letting passengers pay for a quicker and more efficient alternative to cars.
  • Roy said, “Airlines are looking at ways to boost the accessibility of the cost and convenience of use to individuals. “If it’s cheap enough and the time savings is significant enough, people will change their behavior and get out of cars.”

Roy asserts that fewer people travel nationally by plane from smaller towns’ regional airports. Airlines may profit from new technology like eVTOLs and already-existing rural airports to develop the aviation business, as big airports handle the majority of traffic. I’m starting in major cities, but I still have challenges. According to plans by Delta and Joby, extolls are anticipated to start in major cities, including New York City and Los Angeles. Ranjan Goswami, senior vice president of customer experience design at Delta, claims that the company selected NYC and LA as its target markets due to the significant traffic and congestion in these populated cities and the fact that Delta is well-known in these locations. In Goswami’s opinion, large cities have the best use cases and the most significant proportion of service users.


Additionally, in the long term, economies of scale may make the cost more reasonable for a more significant number of people. Goswami claims that traveling to and from the airport is one of the most stressful parts of the vacation and that eVTOLs will make the experience more bearable. Goswami said, “We believe it needs to be affordable, but we won’t be discussing pricing with the market just yet. In contrast to helicopters, which are so expensive, the goal is to make [eVTOLs] accessible and affordable to the traveling public. Roy predicts that eVTOLs will exist within the next ten years, but startups and airlines should refrain from counting on these air taxis to take off right away. Along with having these aircraft built and certified, Roy claims that leveraging current infrastructure to operate eVTOLs is a hurdle. Roy claims that if eVTOLs land on rooftops, roofs must be converted into vertistops, requiring major building work and new infrastructure. As eVTOLs use electric batteries for propulsion, these buildings also need to supply substantial power and electricity for the charging stations. Roy claims that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) will do its share to guarantee the proper operation of these aircraft. It will take some time for us to get from where we are to where we need to be.

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Advanced Vertical Takeoff and Landing (VTOL) Technology

The core of flying taxis is advanced Vertical Takeoff and Landing (VTOL) technology. In contrast to conventional aircraft, which require long runways for takeoff and landing, flying taxis with vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) capabilities may operate in congested urban locations with little space. This technology uses electric propulsion systems, lightweight materials, and cutting-edge aerodynamic designs to ensure efficient and secure operations.

Infrastructure development and air traffic management

Before flying taxis become a reality, a comprehensive infrastructure and air traffic management system must be established. The infrastructure that has to be constructed includes vertiports and specialized hubs where flying taxis may take off, land, and recharge. These entry points will be strategically placed across urban regions to provide simple access for commuters. Additionally, a sophisticated air traffic management system must be implemented to ensure the efficient and secure integration of flying taxis into the existing airspace. This system will rely on cutting-edge technologies, including artificial intelligence, machine learning, and real-time data analysis, to enable seamless coordination and avoid collisions with other aircraft.

Making cities more accessible and reducing traffic

One of the most significant benefits of flying taxis is its capacity to lessen traffic in crowded urban areas. Due to its ability to bypass congested roads, flying taxis are a speedier and more efficient mode of transportation that significantly cuts down on travel times. This improved efficiency benefits individual commuters and emergency services, deliveries, and other time-sensitive jobs Flying taxis can also enhance linkages inside urban areas by bridging the gap between remote villages and commercial hubs. This improved accessibility opens new opportunities for urban growth, employment, and economic expansion.


The advent of flying taxis has the potential to transform urban transportation completely. These aerial vehicles have the potential to revolutionize how we move by easing traffic and enhancing connectivity within cities with the use of cutting-edge VTOL technology, specialized infrastructure, and efficient air traffic control systems. A secure and sustainable future for urban air transportation depends on stakeholders working together and investing in this technology’s development. How electric air taxis could shake up the airline industry

It’s essential to recognize that, as we look forward to the coming of flying taxis, the effective deployment of these vehicles depends not only on technological development but also on public acceptance, legal frameworks, and industry stakeholder cooperation. Adopting this game-changing means of transportation may open the door to a time when flying to work is a common occurrence.