E-Learning Math Tactics Through Social Media

E-Learning Math Tactics Through Social Media
E-Learning Math Tactics Through Social Media

Why Is Social Media Use Important in e-Learning Courses?

Today, almost all students have a digital presence. E-Learning Math Tactics Through Social Media  These students often consume material online and are well-versed in the ins and outs of social media platforms. Consequently, social media adoption and integration into teaching and learning can benefit students.

The use of video lectures, quizzes, tagging, and group discussions by learners are all options available to instructors. In this approach, students will not only learn in a fun and entertaining way, but they will also have the freedom to study whenever and wherever they desire.

The following are some of the main justifications for why social media usage in e-learning has grown so crucial in recent years It fosters a sense of community and belonging among students. Connecting with others who share your interests makes you feel at home and like you belong. Creating a Facebook group fosters a community where students can interact with one another and exchange ideas. Additionally, it enables the course facilitator to comprehend the needs of the students better and respond to their inquiries. Online communities and study groups give the students the crucial support they need to feel motivated and inspired. Students are more likely to lag or lose interest without direct interaction with their peers. Social media helps learners have a strong support network and keep positive interactions with others, effectively handling all these scenarios.

Social media is the quickest way to connect with people or spread important information.

The ability to quickly and easily contact people is another crucial benefit of using social media in eLearning. For instance, you could write a Facebook post or an Instagram story to offer an update on the next class. It will instantly reach all of your students after that. Additionally, Facebook life and Instagram live to enable teachers to communicate with students in real-time while also allowing them to ask questions and receive immediate answers.

It can assist you in developing a more student-centered strategy.

Social media interactions are adaptable. The instructors and other students enrolled in the course can receive inquiries from and respond to challenges from the learners. As a result, anyone with the information can step in and provide a response or original thought. Sometimes, communicating with others in a Facebook group is superior to having a live tutor. There is less flexibility and time freedom when asking questions on Facebook than in a classroom where there is only so much time for responses.

Social Media Is Simple to Access

Social media’s accessibility on smartphones, PCs, and tablets makes it convenient for instructors to answer student inquiries at their convenience and without having to enter into a particular platform, which is another reason why it can be helpful in eLearning. They need to set up notifications, that’s all! This is also true for students because they can read the comments made by other course participants and get valuable knowledge from their thoughts. This enhances communication between teachers and students generally.

How Can Instructional Designers Use Various Social Media Platforms In eLearning

We currently offer various social media platforms designed for multiple purposes. Twitter allows users to express their opinions in just 140 characters, whereas Instagram primarily focuses on sharing images and brief videos. Facebook is devoted to connecting people and enabling them to connect easily with individuals they know, whereas YouTube focuses on videos.

It is crucial to comprehend how these platforms work at their core before using them for eLearning. As an instructional designer or course facilitator, you can give your students a lot of value while saving time.

The most effective strategies for using social media platforms in eLearning are as follows

The following are some of the most excellent methods for utilizing Facebook to improve eLearning


  • The most extensive and popular social media network in the world is Facebook. Over a billion people use it every day.
  • Make an open or closed Facebook group for your classes and invite group members to access course materials, homework, quizzes, and other materials. To share instructional resources, you can create a course page to avoid creating a group. You can advertise and market your future classes on your Facebook profile.
  • Students can personally contact you using Facebook Messenger to ask questions or request clarification.
  • You can share video content on Facebook, making it possible to show learners brief but exciting videos.
  • You can persuade the students to participate in group discussions by presenting engaging questions, articles, and visuals.
  • You can hold Facebook contests to spice up eLearning on that platform.


Another cool kid on the social media block is Instagram. The platform’s popularity is skyrocketing dramatically. The general public, especially the younger generation, adores Instagram and all it offers. Here are a few pointers and strategies for utilizing Instagram in e-learning efficiently. You can make an Instagram page for any craft you teach, such as filmmaking, painting, video editing, graphic design, etc. You can post, tell stories, and showreels about how your students are doing. It is a fantastic approach to highlight their abilities and inspire them to do better. You can broadcast critical news and updates about your courses on your Instagram page. Additionally, you may run entertaining challenges and competitions, offer fascinating facts and anecdotes, and run Instagram giveaways for your students.


Most online educators’ preferred social network is YouTube. This is because they can quickly and rapidly produce high-quality movies and share them with the learners. Therefore, YouTube should be your first choice if you wish to share lengthy course videos with your students or if you like to provide supplemental video content. The ability to submit videos virtually anywhere on YouTube is a terrific feature. They can be tweeted, shared on Facebook or Instagram, or pinned. Your students are also able to accomplish this. It would help if you encouraged them to present their topic and share it with you. Their videos can then be posted on your YouTube channel. They will better know the material and gain more confidence as a result.


LinkedIn is a social networking platform exclusively for professionals. LinkedIn is an attractive choice for eLearning since people often use it for career-related and professional activities rather than uploading images of their dogs or having personal interactions. You can urge your students to post on LinkedIn once a week about what they are studying. Request that they share with the class the criticism and comments they have received regarding their pieces. Groups are another feature of LinkedIn. These organizations give experts in the same field a chance to network, share knowledge and expertise, acquire advice, and form deep connections. Create an eLearning group exclusively for your course to frequently share your articles, videos, or other course materials with the students.


A social media platform exclusively for images is called Pinterest. The “board” used by this platform to organize the content is a unique feature. Users can establish boards with a particular theme and “pin” pertinent images to those boards. Sharing these boards with others is simple. Thus, Pinterest would be ideal if you wanted to make exciting infographics and vision boards for your students. Make a Pinterest board for your course or a specific course topic and add pertinent photos, graphs, charts, or infographics in bite-sized form. You can keep all the content associated with one issue in one location and give helpful information aesthetically pleasingly.

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Use of social media

  • Websites and programs that enable users to generate and share content or engage in social networking are called social media. Social media platforms include, among others, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
  • People use social media for various purposes, including keeping in touch with friends and family, learning about current events, making professional connections, and sharing content with others.
  • However, it’s critical to use social media safely and to be conscious of any risks or disadvantages. Cyberbullying, exposure to offensive material, and the possibility of addiction or overuse are a few examples. Additionally, it’s critical to safeguard your privacy and exercise caution while disclosing information online.
  • It’s a good idea to use social media sparingly and be conscious of how it impacts your well-being and mental health. Limiting your time on social media and taking regular breaks from it can be beneficial.

What is Media-Based Learning and Teaching

  1. Using media to support and enrich the educational process includes numerous media types, such as videos, podcasts, interactive websites, and social media. In the classroom, media can be utilized in various ways, such as to complement traditional lectures, provide interactive and exciting learning experiences, and as a tool for evaluation and feedback.
  2. Media use in education has several advantages, such as the capacity to present real-world examples and case studies, the chance to engage students with multimedia content, and the power to address students with various learning preferences.
  3. Because students are frequently asked to evaluate and interpret the media they are exposed to, using media in the classroom can also aid in developing critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. Students can share and debate content using social media and other online platforms, which can help with teamwork and communication.
  4. However, it’s crucial to use media to respect the student’s age and maturity level and ensure that the content is factual, pertinent, and in line with learning objectives.

The use of social media and reported enjoyment are significantly positively correlated.

  • The common consensus is that social media use and reported enjoyment to correlate positively. This implies that frequent social media users are more likely to love it.
  • Numerous variables could influence this association. Social media, for instance, enables users to connect with friends and family, share hobbies and experiences, and keep up with news and events. These pursuits may be fun and give one a feeling of pleasure and social connection.
  • Furthermore, social media sites frequently employ algorithms to tailor content and suggestions based on a user’s prior behavior. This can further boost perceived satisfaction by presenting users with content that they are more likely to find interesting.
  • But it’s crucial to remember that using social media improperly or excessively can harm one’s mental health and general well-being. It’s critical to utilize social media in moderation and with awareness of any potential harm to one’s mental health.

Why Use Media in the Classroom to Improve Teaching and Learning

Enhancing student engagement and learning can be accomplished by using media in teaching and learning. Lessons can be made more fascinating and engaging for students by using media to add a visual and interactive component. It can also be a terrific approach to introduce new ideas and concepts to pupils and give them access to more resources for study and learning.

Here are some details on why using media in the classroom can be successful:

Media may make learning more dynamic and engaging: Teachers can design interactive and engaging lessons for students using videos, interactive presentations, or other media types. This can make learning more enjoyable and motivate pupils to understand the content.

Media can present a different viewpoint: Using media can be an excellent technique to introduce pupils to other perspectives and ideas. For instance, a video of an expert debating a subject can offer a distinct viewpoint from a standard lecture or reading.It is possible to utilize media to support other teaching strategies: Media can be used to support different teaching strategies, such as lectures or readings, to provide students with more resources and help with learning. Media usage can help many learning modalities: Media can be a beneficial tool for fostering various learning styles because different kids learn differently. For instance, some students may favor watching videos or listening to podcasts, whereas others might favor reading or using interactive materials. In general, incorporating media into teaching and learning can be a successful strategy to improve student engagement and education and give students access to more resources and academic help.


Social media may be the perfect partner for your eLearning course if appropriately handled because it offers you countless options to improve your eLearning and makes it more enjoyable and engaging. Additionally, it enables you to establish relationships with your students outside of the classroom and adopt a more flexible and personable teaching style.